Saturday, January 12, 2008

To blog again or not

Recently, I was up late and well,  ok I was on facebook, while social bookmarking sites and the like, and superpoking, never-ending movie-quizzing, and fighting vampires all at about the same time. Sort of a silly use of time I suppose, but not too much different than reading lifehacker on bloglines. I was thinking there's got to be a better way to express yourself other than facebook. Earlier that day, I was looking at the various GTD tools on the net, not getting much done. I revisited this one site, tiddlyspot, and was truly impressed by the how much things had improved. Now, yes, I could put up a wiki, but thinking about the structure, you get the idea that it should be so much more collaborative, and linked. Blogs can have this, but seem to me to be better suited for narcissistic  behavior. Which brings my to this. All in all, this blogger seems much improved from 1.0, where you had to pay for hosting or have access to your own ftp space. Bonus that you can now use 866-jott-123 and just dictate your blog entries.

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